I feel a bit awkward about this picture. It was really a "turn and shoot," with my pocket cam. I cropped it and leveled it. But I like it, a lot. After a lot of long, grey cold days, crisp air makes everything look good. As does enjoying it with a girlfriend who is tugging your arm to move on because, "It's cold!"
The snowy expanse to the left is where the Palast der Republik, a key cultural and political center for the east, before reunification, once stood. It was an ugly, iconic, monolithic building that they began demolishing when I first arrived. Because it was filled with toxic materials (asbestos, etc.), they had to dismantle it piece by piece. The final elements were only recently removed, making this picture more meaningful, as this view hasn't existed for years. (The Palast was built on the site of the king's castle, a facsimile of which will now be built on the empty site.) More, and more accurate, info here: Palast der Republik
So....now slightly less than half the world thinks we are a negative influence. You take what you can get and call it progress, I suppose.
There's some great info on this site. Well worth spending some time poking around. Warning, though: If you're American, and have any self-awareness (or sense of shame) whatsoever, you will find it depressing. Hopefully not surprising, but definitely depressing.
My German compatriots, however, can celebrate (gut gemacht!), and I can take some solace in their ability to rebuild an international reputation that was, by most counts, pretty crappy not all that long ago.