18 December 2008

Hey, we beat North Korea, at least!

"The average percentage saying that the US is having a positive influence has increased from 31 per cent a year ago to 35 per cent today while the view that it is having a negative influence has declined from 52 per cent to 47 per cent."

So....now slightly less than half the world thinks we are a negative influence. You take what you can get and call it progress, I suppose.

There's some great info on this site. Well worth spending some time poking around. Warning, though: If you're American, and have any self-awareness (or sense of shame) whatsoever, you will find it depressing. Hopefully not surprising, but definitely depressing.

My German compatriots, however, can celebrate (gut gemacht!), and I can take some solace in their ability to rebuild an international reputation that was, by most counts, pretty crappy not all that long ago.

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