23 February 2006

There is soup in a box in my living room

...from my sister.

Oh wait, that must sound odd. Let me explain.

My birthday is on Sunday, and I received a package from her this week.

I haven't opened it, but the customs label requires a declaration of contents, and, being the law-abiding citizen that she is, I now know that there are canned goods inside.

And it would only make sense to pay to ship a heavy, quickly consumed, canned good to a brother in Germany for his birthday if it were, indeed, soup.

See? Now it's not as strange as it sounds, right?

Well, actually, I imagine it still is. Let me spell it out...

Now do you get it?

Of course not. Because what you don't know is that I developed a slightly disturbing obsession with this particular soup when I was (family, help out here) six or so?

And it is not available in Germany, by hook, crook, or expensive department store food gallery.

So, my plan on Saturday (every store is closed on Sunday here, remember) is to go to that expensive department store food gallery to buy authentic sharp Wisconnsin cheddar cheese and tortillas (good for soaking up the last bits from the bowl) and celebrate in style.

And sis, if it isn't B&B, I'll still love you...


As long as it's not canned tofu.

P.S. I'm still figuring out Blogger and apparently just obliviated my post from Florence in December. I will recover, but grrrrrrr.........


Anonymous said...

Hello Andrew! Your blogger site is very fascinating, and we are grateful to be able to read about your adventures in Deutchland.
Ann gave us your blogger site address, so here I am sending you a few comments. Ken and I hope you are enjoying your bean with bacon soup, a la Campbell's. (It is also my favorite) Too bad Campbells doesn't make a dehydrated version, in the interest of shipping cost reduction. Backpackers would also enjoy the many varied brands in a pouch.
We hope you are enjoying Berlin, and your work as well. We always are reading about EBay in the paper and in the USA Today newspaper. Apparently Ms. Whitman is a good CEO?
Have fun, and we admire your adventurous spirit, and love of Europe.
We'll visit again soon. Until then, arrivaderci from San Marcos, CA. (We don't have a German dictionary to say good-bye) -Diane and Ken Langejans

Anonymous said...

Andrew it's Matthieu from Ascain is that you!!?
What is your email address I of course lost your card... I should invite you to Gmail as well!

my address is


let me know!
hope you're well.